
引用 SciPy 生态系统中的包

已经出现了许多关于使用 Python 进行科学计算的文章;下面列出了一些与核心工具集相关的文章。另请参阅 2007 年 5 月2011 年 3 月 的《科学与工程计算》期刊,该期刊侧重于使用 Python 进行科学计算。


现在有一篇期刊文章可用于引用 SciPy 的使用情况

Pauli Virtanen, Ralf Gommers, Travis E. Oliphant, Matt Haberland, Tyler Reddy, David Cournapeau, Evgeni Burovski, Pearu Peterson, Warren Weckesser, Jonathan Bright, Stéfan J. van der Walt, Matthew Brett, Joshua Wilson, K. Jarrod Millman, Nikolay Mayorov, Andrew R. J. Nelson, Eric Jones, Robert Kern, Eric Larson, CJ Carey, İlhan Polat, Yu Feng, Eric W. Moore, Jake VanderPlas, Denis Laxalde, Josef Perktold, Robert Cimrman, Ian Henriksen, E.A. Quintero, Charles R Harris, Anne M. Archibald, Antônio H. Ribeiro, Fabian Pedregosa, Paul van Mulbregt, and SciPy 1.0 Contributors. (2020) SciPy 1.0: Python 中科学计算的基本算法. 自然方法, 17(3), 261-272.

这是一个 BibTeX 条目的示例

  author  = {Virtanen, Pauli and Gommers, Ralf and Oliphant, Travis E. and
            Haberland, Matt and Reddy, Tyler and Cournapeau, David and
            Burovski, Evgeni and Peterson, Pearu and Weckesser, Warren and
            Bright, Jonathan and {van der Walt}, St{\'e}fan J. and
            Brett, Matthew and Wilson, Joshua and Millman, K. Jarrod and
            Mayorov, Nikolay and Nelson, Andrew R. J. and Jones, Eric and
            Kern, Robert and Larson, Eric and Carey, C J and
            Polat, {\.I}lhan and Feng, Yu and Moore, Eric W. and
            {VanderPlas}, Jake and Laxalde, Denis and Perktold, Josef and
            Cimrman, Robert and Henriksen, Ian and Quintero, E. A. and
            Harris, Charles R. and Archibald, Anne M. and
            Ribeiro, Ant{\^o}nio H. and Pedregosa, Fabian and
            {van Mulbregt}, Paul and {SciPy 1.0 Contributors}},
  title   = {{{SciPy} 1.0: Fundamental Algorithms for Scientific
            Computing in Python}},
  journal = {Nature Methods},
  year    = {2020},
  volume  = {17},
  pages   = {261--272},
  adsurl  = {},
  doi     = {10.1038/s41592-019-0686-2},



现在有一篇期刊文章可用于引用 NumPy 的使用情况

Charles R. Harris, K. Jarrod Millman, Stéfan J. van der Walt, Ralf Gommers, Pauli Virtanen, David Cournapeau, Eric Wieser, Julian Taylor, Sebastian Berg, Nathaniel J. Smith, Robert Kern, Matti Picus, Stephan Hoyer, Marten H. van Kerkwijk, Matthew Brett, Allan Haldane, Jaime Fernández del Río, Mark Wiebe, Pearu Peterson, Pierre Gérard-Marchant, Kevin Sheppard, Tyler Reddy, Warren Weckesser, Hameer Abbasi, Christoph Gohlke & Travis E. Oliphant. 使用 NumPy 进行数组编程, Nature, 585, 357–362 (2020), DOI:10.1038/s41586-020-2649-2 (出版商链接)

这是一个 BibTeX 条目的示例

  author  = {Harris, Charles R. and Millman, K. Jarrod and
            van der Walt, Stéfan J and Gommers, Ralf and
            Virtanen, Pauli and Cournapeau, David and
            Wieser, Eric and Taylor, Julian and Berg, Sebastian and
            Smith, Nathaniel J. and Kern, Robert and Picus, Matti and
            Hoyer, Stephan and van Kerkwijk, Marten H. and
            Brett, Matthew and Haldane, Allan and
            Fernández del Río, Jaime and Wiebe, Mark and
            Peterson, Pearu and Gérard-Marchant, Pierre and
            Sheppard, Kevin and Reddy, Tyler and Weckesser, Warren and
            Abbasi, Hameer and Gohlke, Christoph and
            Oliphant, Travis E.},
  title   = {Array programming with {NumPy}},
  journal = {Nature},
  year    = {2020},
  volume  = {585},
  pages   = {357–362},
  doi     = {10.1038/s41586-020-2649-2}




  • Stefan Behnel, Robert Bradshaw, Craig Citro, Lisandro Dalcin, Dag Sverre Seljebotn 和 Kurt Smith. Cython:两全其美, 科学与工程计算, 13, 31-39 (2011), DOI:10.1109/MCSE.2010.118 (出版商链接)


  • Wes McKinney. Python 中用于统计计算的数据结构,第九届 Python 科学大会论文集,51-56 (2010) (出版商链接)


  • Fabian Pedregosa, Gaël Varoquaux, Alexandre Gramfort, Vincent Michel, Bertrand Thirion, Olivier Grisel, Mathieu Blondel, Peter Prettenhofer, Ron Weiss, Vincent Dubourg, Jake Vanderplas, Alexandre Passos, David Cournapeau, Matthieu Brucher, Matthieu Perrot, Édouard Duchesnay. Scikit-learn:Python 中的机器学习,机器学习研究杂志,12,2825-2830 (2011) (出版商链接)


  • Stéfan van der Walt, Johannes L. Schönberger, Juan Nunez-Iglesias, François Boulogne, Joshua D. Warner, Neil Yager, Emmanuelle Gouillart, Tony Yu 和 scikit-image 贡献者。scikit-image:Python 中的图像处理,PeerJ 2:e453 (2014) (出版商链接)



  • Meurer A, Smith CP, Paprocki M, Čertík O, Kirpichev SB, Rocklin M, Kumar A, Ivanov S, Moore JK, Singh S, Rathnayake T, Vig S, Granger BE, Muller RP, Bonazzi F, Gupta H, Vats S, Johansson F, Pedregosa F, Curry MJ, Terrel AR, Roučka Š, Saboo A, Fernando I, Kulal S, Cimrman R, Scopatz A. SymPy:Python 中的符号计算,PeerJ 计算机科学 3:e103 (2017) (出版商链接)

Python 中的科学计算